Sassy's World

Friday, August 24, 2007

Another heat wave!

I was enjoying the nice cool days that had come upon us and now its back to 100F weather and it sucks. Every year gets hotter and hotter so next year outta be a grand ole time. I am thinking about moving somewhere cooler and Newfoundland is out because their weather is getting to be just as bizarre as ours.

Nothing much going on here. Hubs had the week off to collect his thoughts, get his skin and asthma under control and so far none of it has really happened. His skin dont seem to be so bad but the asthma thing is kicking his ass. Time will tell I guess.

I go to the drs again Sept 4th for an attempt to hear a heartbeat but I dont have my hopes up too high because I'll be only 10 weeks and the dr told me that its sometimes hard to hear it that early. If they dont hear a heartbeat they will send me for yet another ultrasound which means drinking more water and holding it. I often wonder why us woman put ourselves through this stuff.

Nothing more going on here ~ Just wanted to pop in and say hello so my few readers will still know I'm around

posted by Sassy at 7:51 AM 2 comments

Monday, August 20, 2007


Can't Wait?
How long 'til Christmas?
...But who's counting?

Oh I'm counting ~ I can't wait. I'm starting my Christmas shopping next month and I have already started making some christmas ornaments out of plastic canvas! whoot!

So I made it to 8-9 weeks pregnant ~ The dr says 9 weeks but the ultrasound says 8 so I really dont know what date to go by. Sometime in March/April I'll be spitting out a new baby. Its the last one for me because this sickness is going to kill me, I'm not certain I really wanna go through it a 3rd time. I was silly enough to go for it a second.

So yeah ~ I am a facebook junkie and I managed to fall upon one of my ex's which is really not a big deal because he dont talk to me much on it and he says the basics if I ask him a question. Now the problem is a stumbled across someone whom at one time I loved like never before and I am not exactly sure how he felt about me. He was my ex's best friend and they spent alot of time together. I was a BAD GIRL, and cheated on my ex with "the friend". He was a sweetheart, made me feel like I mattered because my ex sure as hell didnt make me feel like i was wanted or needed. This friend was everything I wanted but for some reason we didnt get together, probably because of the fact he was my best friends with the ex, that usually has something to do with it. Anyways it's been near 10 years since I have really spoke to him. I seen him a few scattered times and managed a "hi". Other then that we lost contact, now dont let me fool you, I have thought about him DAILY!!!!!!!!!! He invades my dreams, I think about him alot, way more then I should being a married woman. I can't help it!!! He's like a drug ~ I'm addicted. I feel awful about this and I for damn sure can't tell him the effect he has on me and I am dang glad he dont know I have a blog because I'd be devestated if he found out. I spend all day talking to him on facebook and we talk about the past and what not but other then that its just harmless chatting with the odd bit of flirting. I'm married and he's getting married in September so why the hell do I still hang myself up on him???? I'm hopeless! I would never go in a room alone with him cause I'm afraid as to what I might do. I just have to stay away. He works like pretty much around the corner from me and dont live much further away. Oh I'm a dork!

Anyways that's it here

posted by Sassy at 8:35 PM 1 comments

Monday, August 06, 2007

7 weeks and omg sick!

Well today marks 7 weeks along for me and the morning sickness is getting worse. SHouldn't it be getting better for me? I dont actually get sick but I feel like it all day long which I believe could be worse. Mom said to me this morning, "Just think Sassy only 33 more weeks to go" is she trying to kill me??? She says I'm having a girl because only girls do this to their mom's. When I was pregnant with boo I felt sick in the morning and if I smelled food, other then that I was ok. I'm tried 24/7 too which I didnt have with boo. I can sleep 23 hours a night and still be tired. The drs checked my iron and so far its ok so that isn't the problem. Ah well we shall see what happens!

The weather we have here is TERRIBLE. Its like 20C and the real feel is 30C. How does the world expect us to live with this weather? From what I hear it isn't suppose to let up anytime too soon either. We had some rain here yesterday and lastnight but I Think it made the humidity worse. Its hard to breathe when I open the door and the good old weatherman says that its suppose to hit 33C today before the real feel so it will be well over 40C today I bet. Gee can't wait.

Well I'm off now to watch some tv and relax

posted by Sassy at 9:22 AM 5 comments

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Here I am....Again

I know I am not doing so well with this blogging thing but my oh my! I'm sorry to what readers I have left. I'll give you a run down of what's been going on.

Remember bubblehead blondie? Yeah well she had her little boy and at first proved to be an ok mom, well a few weekends ago that right when out the window and fast. She went to the store and left him ALONE in the playpen in the backyard while she was gone. Well Thursday the children's aid come and took him away from her and she has no idea why they would do that she tells us. Like hello! You just can't go leaving your kid home alone at that age. So she's a wreck and is blaming us all. I know it wasn't me that called because I only found out yesterday and the baby had been gone 2 days already.

THEN I had a week from hell. Hubs cousin and her 5 year old demon child come out for a week and I'm telling you it was the longest week in my entire life. He's so bad its unreal, he beats on his mother, broke Boo's toys, threw stuff at hubs and I, screams ALL THE TIME, beat up Boo, has no manner's what so ever, if his mom tells him know he punches her in the head and she lets him do it. Her reasoning of ALLOWING him to act out like this is because he dont have a father and she dont want to be the "bad" parent. I some how thing her telling him to behave and disiplining him now and again. If that's the case I'm the worlds worst mom and I know that is not true.

Now for the last bit of news....

Are you ready???

Are you sure???

Ok here it goes................

I"M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 4 years of trying for a second baby I've been blessed. Its a rough going though, I'm sick 24/7 and tired?? Omg I could sleep for days and still be tired. The last week I've pretty much lived on crackers and water because everything else makes me wanna throw up.

Well that's it here

posted by Sassy at 7:56 AM 2 comments