Sassy's World

Monday, August 20, 2007


Can't Wait?
How long 'til Christmas?
...But who's counting?

Oh I'm counting ~ I can't wait. I'm starting my Christmas shopping next month and I have already started making some christmas ornaments out of plastic canvas! whoot!

So I made it to 8-9 weeks pregnant ~ The dr says 9 weeks but the ultrasound says 8 so I really dont know what date to go by. Sometime in March/April I'll be spitting out a new baby. Its the last one for me because this sickness is going to kill me, I'm not certain I really wanna go through it a 3rd time. I was silly enough to go for it a second.

So yeah ~ I am a facebook junkie and I managed to fall upon one of my ex's which is really not a big deal because he dont talk to me much on it and he says the basics if I ask him a question. Now the problem is a stumbled across someone whom at one time I loved like never before and I am not exactly sure how he felt about me. He was my ex's best friend and they spent alot of time together. I was a BAD GIRL, and cheated on my ex with "the friend". He was a sweetheart, made me feel like I mattered because my ex sure as hell didnt make me feel like i was wanted or needed. This friend was everything I wanted but for some reason we didnt get together, probably because of the fact he was my best friends with the ex, that usually has something to do with it. Anyways it's been near 10 years since I have really spoke to him. I seen him a few scattered times and managed a "hi". Other then that we lost contact, now dont let me fool you, I have thought about him DAILY!!!!!!!!!! He invades my dreams, I think about him alot, way more then I should being a married woman. I can't help it!!! He's like a drug ~ I'm addicted. I feel awful about this and I for damn sure can't tell him the effect he has on me and I am dang glad he dont know I have a blog because I'd be devestated if he found out. I spend all day talking to him on facebook and we talk about the past and what not but other then that its just harmless chatting with the odd bit of flirting. I'm married and he's getting married in September so why the hell do I still hang myself up on him???? I'm hopeless! I would never go in a room alone with him cause I'm afraid as to what I might do. I just have to stay away. He works like pretty much around the corner from me and dont live much further away. Oh I'm a dork!

Anyways that's it here

posted by Sassy at 8:35 PM


Yer NOT a dork . Repeat after me. Me is NOT NOT A DORK!!!!

Me hopes the sickness goes away soon and all is good otherwise??

Xmas is really that soon?????? ME NERVES!!!!!!

3:22 PM  

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