Sassy's World

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Who ordered this weather???

I'm not an easy one to please when it comes to weather at all. I hate winter and everything about it other then snow on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and I can even tolerate it on Boxing day. The rest of the year it can go to hell! I dont like summer because its always so damn hot and humid here. I dont mind the hot part its the humid shit I dont like because it gives me headaches and makes it hard for me to breathe. I dont like spring cause it rains to much and that gives me really bad headaches and well alright I like fall! I wish it was fall all year around. I love swimming though so that would make it so I couldn't swim becasue fall really isn't warm enough to swim...

So I've been a busy beaver oh yes!!!!!!!!!
Saturday we took Boo to a small animal park and I figured it was just going to have a few animals but it turns out there was a few more then a few! They had some big ones too...

It was HOT outside and we walked around the park 3 times and that's not all the walking we did back and forth. Boo and hubs were having a grand old time running back and forth the cage that contained these

I about shit when it jumped over the tree and growled. The zoo keeper tells us "oh he's just playing" hahaha. That's alright he can play with his friend in the cage with him. Boo was buckled over laughing and have a grand time so it was worth the mini heartattack!

Boo and hubs had a blast with this girl too! They were feeding her some peanuts while I stood back in fear of getting spit on. Because from what I hear what they shoot out of their yap is pretty gross

Boos favorite part of the animal park was these....

So yeah he had a blast. I must say I did too until I got home and realized how sunburnt I was. Its not turned into a nice tan but it only goes half way up my arm because of the shirt I was wearing so I must try and even it out.

We also went to the carnival which is such a total waste of time and money but so much fun. Boo and hubs went on the rides so that I could take pictures! I dont mind cause I am not real fond of the rides they have at the carnival. Now if we had of been somewhere like Canadas' Wonderland there would of been some fighting cause I love the rides there.

Boo has also discovered fishing! He loves it. He starts bugging me as soon as his peepers open in the morning and he dont give up until we take him after dinner. He has caught 2 suckers so far but he thinks he won a million bucks!


posted by Sassy at 2:12 PM


There used to be an exotic animal safari place just north of here that people could drive through. They also had a petting zoo and other stuff. It was so much fun.

10:19 AM  

Never been to a zoo but it sounds like loads of fun. Maybe one of these days.......DAMN, me had a sheltered life huh?? ROFL ROFL ROFL

10:31 AM  

HAVE A HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!Hope its a good one for ya........;)

10:40 AM  

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