Sassy's World

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sassy the Super hero!

I'm guessing many of you that have read my blog now that I tend to run at the mouth. I'm a cheeky chick and I love to be sassy. Yesterday my sass almost got my ass kicked. Probably would of if the 4 guys weren't smashed.

Yesterday hubs come home from work, showered and we were ready to go do our weekly errands by 5:15pm. We had to take the bus which we never do cause we usually have a car. Yesterday we couldn't get one and so the bus it was. Well the bus terminal is like a 20 minute walk from my house so we started to walk. Well 2 blocks from the terminal is a bar and outside the bar was 4 losers (all guys) picking on 2 women. We were waiting for the little white guy to come up and say we could cross the street and I said to hubs. I wanna go over and punch them fuckers. "STAY OUT OF IT" he says to me. Like always! I didnt listen. The one big guy threw his jacket at the one girl and knocked her clean right on her ass. Then another one of the guys picked her up and spit in her face. Now I was hopping. These 4 idiots were just sober enough to stand with the help of the wall. The guy that threw the coat at her now hits her in the face.....NOW I"M PISSED!

I walk over and ask the girl if she's ok. After coat guy calls me a tramp he falls down and bangs his head on the wall. What do I say to him? Are you ok??? HELL NO. Take that bitch! He tries to get up but no luck. So he mumbles maybe I should just sit here. I asked the girls if they knew these guys while calling 911 on my cell phone. They said kinda. I'm like kinda? what the hell does that mean. You do or you dont. Simple as that. So they tell me they do. 2 of the guys run because I'm calling the cops the other guy just kinda stands there weaving back and forth. One of the girls was dating the guy that ran. I'm like nice boyfriend, stands here and watches some other guy throws a coat at her and then hits her. Well the guy that's on the ground is now pulling at my pant leg telling me he's going to kick my ass.

Him: Mumbles a ton, kick your ass
me: ok big boy try it
Him: I will
Me: I'm waiting

He tries to hit me (he's now on his feet) I push him backwards and he's back ass over tea kettle on the ground. I'm not a real big fighter and I'm sure if he was sober he would of kicked my ass. The only thing I had going for me was my hubby was now over by me and the idiot I was fighting with was that drunk he couldn't stand for more then 30 seconds.

The other guy starts lipping off telling me I'm a tramp and if he pays me 30 bucks will I plant my two lips on the end of his knob and a bunch of other stuff.

Me: Whip it out big boy and see what I plant on the end of it. I guarntee it wont be my lips.
Him: Whore
Me: Nope sorry whore's get paid to do what they do. I sleep with one man and I'm married to him (I'm not knocking prostitutes, strippers none of them).
Him: Ohhhhh your a smart ass
Me: Alot smarter then you my friend.

The 2 girls are now over hiding behind my hubby and they are crying and thanking him for coming over and I'm like WTF he hasn't said shit and your thanking him but whatever. Then the guy grabs the back of my coat. I turn around and he spits right in my face (you'd think I'd learn trying to help people....but no not me) Just as I'm about to send buddy over the rainbow the cops show up. So lucky for him lol. The cops as us what happened, then they talk to the girls and we are all let go while the 2 guys are cuffed and taken away. All the while cussing me out haha. The girl turns to me and says "your our hero" TADA SASSY THE SUPERHERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hubby bitched at me all night for getting involved but I couldn't help it ~ shit like that drives me nuts. He's like well you could of died. Ok ~ so i say to him. You would of stood there and let him kill me???? He said no. WELL there you go I wasn't about to die then.


Yesterday my dad turned 50! I tried to do a post to him yesterday but blogger was being an asshole and wouldn't let me post. So happy Belated 50th daddy I Love you!

posted by Sassy at 9:01 AM


YAY YAY SASSY THE SUPERHERO.. Somehow me always figured you for that kinda girl. Why is beyond me. Right, the guy gonna kill you with yer hubby there?? ME THINKS NOTTTTTTTT........LOL..

Good for you, but remember to tread careful when trying to help others in need. Remember what happened the last time?? Me not saying not to help 'Mz SuperHero" just be careful with them SuperPowers of yers. LOL

p.s. To sassy's dad. h/b if ya reads this. LOL..

9:55 AM  

Way to come to the rescue there Sassy!

10:25 PM  

LOL, you are too much! Way to go!!! I was hoping you got to kick their butts.

1:28 PM  

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