Sassy's World

Monday, August 06, 2007

7 weeks and omg sick!

Well today marks 7 weeks along for me and the morning sickness is getting worse. SHouldn't it be getting better for me? I dont actually get sick but I feel like it all day long which I believe could be worse. Mom said to me this morning, "Just think Sassy only 33 more weeks to go" is she trying to kill me??? She says I'm having a girl because only girls do this to their mom's. When I was pregnant with boo I felt sick in the morning and if I smelled food, other then that I was ok. I'm tried 24/7 too which I didnt have with boo. I can sleep 23 hours a night and still be tired. The drs checked my iron and so far its ok so that isn't the problem. Ah well we shall see what happens!

The weather we have here is TERRIBLE. Its like 20C and the real feel is 30C. How does the world expect us to live with this weather? From what I hear it isn't suppose to let up anytime too soon either. We had some rain here yesterday and lastnight but I Think it made the humidity worse. Its hard to breathe when I open the door and the good old weatherman says that its suppose to hit 33C today before the real feel so it will be well over 40C today I bet. Gee can't wait.

Well I'm off now to watch some tv and relax

posted by Sassy at 9:22 AM


Awwww..congrats on your pregnancy...i hope you feel better soon!

I hope you find something good on tv to watch while you're relaxing.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

11:13 AM  

I was just following links and ended up at your blog. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Second, the sickness does go away - but sometimes it can be 2nd trimester before relief hits. Thirdly, if you are taking prenatal vitamins, switch brands. This has helped my friends immeasurably!

Enjoy your pregnancy!

1:36 PM  

Hope the sickness goes away real soon for ya. It's to bad that science couldnt come up with something preggie woman could take in the first trimester to help with morning sickness.

Me heart breaks for ya with the sickness but is YAY YAY for yer preggie. Just try to relax and stay as cool as humanly possible , if ya can. Me knows it hard with another baby to look after. But the end result will make up for it all , you will see.

And just a little p.s. Me thinks ya might wanna listen to yer mom on this. Girls do terrible things to their mums be4 they is even born. Then they comes out all angelic looking and ya ends up forgetting the horrors of morning sickness, tireness etc {{me hopes anyway}}

4:25 PM  

Me again. An award awaits you on me blog if me can figure out how to get it over there. LOL. Me will figure it out

5:06 PM  

Um Sassy?? HELLLLLLLLLLLLO???? Hello??????????? You around???????? A new post would be so nice. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO!!!!!!!

ANYONE HOME?????????????


7:51 AM  

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