Sassy's World

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Down on my street!

So here I sit tonight staring at the computer screen when I really should be asleep. I should be asleep before for the last weeks I'm so darn tired that 2 hours after I'm out of bed I'm ready to get back in bed. That is totally not like me, I can go to bed at 11pm and get up at 6am and go for the day. Sometimes on less sleep then that. Boo went to bed at 8:30 and the thought crossed my mind to head to bed but something just wasn't letting me go. No idea what, but I just wasn't moving.

I sat down to watch Nashville Star and just as I did so hear someone outside blubbering off something that sounded kinda like half english and half please repeat that again. I hear glass breaking and someone still blubbering. I get up and look out my door and there is a man in the middle of the street throwing beer bottles up the street. Well why he's doing that I have no idea but I'm not about to open my door and risk taking on in the melon. So I just stand there for a while and then I heard the police sirens. I'm thanking the heavens at this point that I dont have a vehicle of my own cause I really wouldn't wanna have to drive up all the broken glass. The police cars come down the street and within seconds you can see the tires are going flat. They get out and the guy just belly flops in a big pile of snow. He's not even wearing winter clothing so I"m pretty sure he was frozen by the time they got him in the police car.

Honestly...I am glad I stay in the house all the time lol

posted by Sassy at 10:54 PM


Sassy girl...You has got some strange neighbors and/or people who love to go down yer street. Me is starting to wonder if yer living in the slums of Toronto and just doesn't wanna admit to the bloggin world {{joking}}..

Sassy, Jay is so right...Ya needs to set up a video camera of some sort so that when the bullshit on yer street starts, without even holding the video camera ya can just hit a record button.. ;) ;)

Hope ya has a good weekend


9:06 PM  

I once lived in an apartment complex where this type of thing went on all the time. It was okay for a while for entertainment, but after a couple of months it started to annoy me when they kept me awake.

9:21 AM  

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