Sassy's World

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kicked in the nuts!

ok so I dont have nuts but that's how I feel right now. Today has been one hell of a shitty day and it just gets worse and worse.

Hubs and I aren't getting along and I even called a legal aid clinic today about getting my marriage annulled since I haven't been married 9 months yet and I have a year before I have to actually divorce him. For the past few years he has some health problems and some have been close to life threatening and I have stuck by him like the faithful girlfriend (now wife). The last few weeks have been pretty stressful cause we had all gotten the flu and we were pretty down and out and spent no time together cause while one of us was up with Boo the other was asleep. Then we have been going through all the stuff with going to and from Toronto which takes the entire day and makes everyone miserable. So I thought this weekend we could spend the weekend together as a family while noone is sick and actually do stuff. HA! he's going out with the "boys" and plans on coming home plastered. Hubs and I do not under any circumstances get along if he's been drinking. He becomes very verbally abusive, careless and likes to call me on all my faults I've had growing up. So this does not amuse me at all. So I have made arrangements to go and spend the night at my gramma's house if he dont come home. I'm not having Boo here around him like that.

Today I have watched my friends fall apart all around me. I feel as though I'm to blame for 98% of it cause I have a big mouth and tend to speak my mind. I must of talked to all my friends today and I'd say 9 out of 10 of them blamed me for their problem. They might not of come right out and said "your the cause" but it sure feels that way. So I have decided that until I figure out a way to "Fix" everything I'm gonna shut myself away from them then I can't hurt them no more and cause no more problems

*~* Chow *~*
posted by Sassy at 4:41 PM


Sorry bout the troubles yer having today.....Sounds like ya hasnt been having a good day at all... Wish me could help so me will send good thoughts threw the internet lines and hope it helps..

If yer friends is saying that its not yer fault then me would tend to beleive them. But me has a beleif that friends don't lie to each other?? Don't you???

;) ;) hope things get better


6:24 PM  

Sorry you're have a crappy time of it right now. If he's verbally abusive then getting away from the husband might be the best thing you can do. Maybe that would shake him up a bit and he'd clean up his act.

1:28 PM  

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