Sassy's World

Monday, November 27, 2006

Tag I'm it!

Well since I've been tagged by Newfieswoman to do this meme ~ I guess I shouldn't spoil the fun....So here goes....

1. Christmas Tree..Pine or Cedar???

I only like fake trees cause I can put it up November 1st :D

2. Name Two dumb things ya did as a kid..

Well damn....I can only pick 2???? Let me see...I guess drinking under age and......dropping out of school 4 times *even though I did graduate WITH My class*

3. What foods did yer mum make as a kid that you will NEVER make??

1. Spaghetti
2. Manacotti
3. Chilli

4. Describe the place in yer head that you go to too calm down???

I dont go nowhere in my head ~ I just go to bed if it gets too bad

5. Have you ever seen a ghost or something you cant explain??

well...I was in the shower one day just after my papa died and I seen him IN the shower with me and I freaked out *was probably just because I was thinking of him though*

6. If money an image didnt matter what would you do for a living??

Porn star??? Nah ~ I'd just be a regular actress....I'ld love to get up close and personal with the hotties :D

7. Did you ever fall off a horse an get right back on??

No cause if I ever fell off a horse I'd never get back on...I love horseback riding though

8. What name did you call a sibling that was sure to start a fight.

Nothing cause being 7 years older then him caused enough fights

9. Describe the events surrounding yer first alcholic drink

um, I was a drunk...and had sex for the first time the same night *sobs*

10. Do ya have a deep dark secret???

I have a few yes...and they will remain just that :)

11. Ever had a wild animal as a pet?

I'm married need I say more

12. Would you ever a shoot a deer?

IT would depend on the situation....If I had to so that I could survive yes...Just as a sport nope

13. Do your return the money if you get too much change?

If I realize before I get home yes

14. What Puzzles you?

The world in general

15. How do/did you act towards someone you had/have a crush on??

I just act like me with alot more flirting then I normally do lol

16. What makes your cry??

I use to cry pretty easy...Now I only cry if I get really frusterated, death, and sappy ass movies

17. Whats the best bargain you ever bought at a gargage sale??

Nothing cuase I dont go to them

18. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck??

IF a woodchuck could chuck wood...So I dunno????

19. If no-one was watching would you run a stop sign?

Hell no, cause the friggen cherries would catch me with their snipers out there somewhere...Cops love me remember

20. Do you belive in Hell??

I live in hell

21. What material possession do you value the most??

um...I really dont value much other then my computer????

22. Which day is better ~~ Friday or Sunday???

Sunday ~its my do nothing day

23. Do you read a book more than once??

no, half the time I dont get to finish a book once

24. What is the greatest problem with today's society??

The people in it

25. How old were you when you first touched a member of the opposite sex's private parts??

I was 14....but I didnt have actual sex till 15

26. Would you ever skydive

I would like to....But the though scares the shit out of me...I have bungee jumped :D

27. Name 3 songs significant to yer romantic life an tell why??

I dont have none :(

28 Would you have plastic surgery?


29. Does bigfoot/sasquatch/yehti exist?

He sure does

30. Are you a follower or a leader?

Mostly a leader....somtimes a follower

31. What's the worst thing you did when you were a kid?

Nothing I was a good kid...I wasn't bad till I hit 13

32. List three jobs you would never want to do

1. Sewer worker
2. Taxi driver
3. Cop

33. Coke or Pepsi

I collect coke items but I drink pepsi

34. Where would you live if you could move your family, friends, and job there?

Either Hawaii or Italy

35. Is three really a crowd?

Depends on the situation ~ if its sexual then yes your damn straight it is...other then that nope not usually

36. What kind of interpersonal interaction repulses you?


37. Who would you rather spend an hour with, a writer or an entertainer?

Entertainer ~ and it would be Paul walker or Vin Deisel baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

38. Which calendar appeals to you:

Any with hot lookin men in it...Dolphins and coca cola are good too

39. What would you do if life gave you lemons?

Suck it up ~ Life always gives me freakin lemons...Maybe that's why I'm so sour

40. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Nope...Infatuation and lust maybe...Some I'm sure have love at first sight

41. Did you ever wish on a falling star, and have the wish come true?


I tag anyone who wants to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


posted by Sassy at 11:37 AM


yes me knows me a pain in the arse for taggin ya.......but since me can me did......LOL

1:45 PM  

"6. If money an image didnt matter what would you do for a living??

Porn star???"

You said what the rest of us were thinking. LOL

10:00 PM  

"6. If money an image didnt matter what would you do for a living??

Porn star???"

You said what the rest of us were thinking. LOL

10:01 PM  

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