Sassy's World

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Its so dark....I cannot see...

Yeah that was me for awhile tonight. I was sitting here in front of the computer ( like I'd be anywhere else right??) typing away when all of a sudden POOF. No power. Being afraid of the dark that SUCKS. Noone moves. I guess they are all waiting for me so just as I stand up so does hubs and bumps into almost sending me backwards over the couch. I bend down and pick up boos halloween flashlight off the floor. Aha! LIGHT! So I light some candles and grab the coleman lantern and we are in business. Just as boo starts to fall asleep the power comes back on and we are saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, while the power was out we had a knock at the door. I do the logical thing and answer the door, and honestly I would of rather had a pitchfork drove up my ass. This girl across the street is 22 years old and she is the biggest bubble headed blonde that you will ever meet. She wears the title dumb blonde really well. There is no street lights on, you can see all the flashlights in peoples house and MY house is pitch black except a few candles and a lamp

Her: Hey Sass. You know the power is out?
Me: Ah, no really??? I thought I went blind all of a sudden
Her: {Slaps my arm} Oh you silly girl, no it goes dark when the power goes out
Me: You dont freakin say (Hubs is in the living laughing his fool ass off to the point he's choking, Boo is standing beside me waving his flashlight)
Boo: we need flashlight cause we got no lights
Her: Yeah that's houses all went night night
Me: Please go home and join the house
And I shut the door. She has that dumb blonde way she talks to like she twirls her hair around her fingers and snaps her gum loud. I'd like to just shake the hell out of her but that would land me behind big thick bars.

OH OH OH...and another goodie for you. Ya'll know how much I love cops. They are just my favorite people in the whole wide world. Well today hubs, boo and I went and got family pictures done (please get me that pitchfork) anyway on the way home we are in a taxi (cause I have no car to drive now thanks to 21 year old assholes talkin on cell phones and speeding) and we go buy a street that right now is being torn up and is all dirt. We have had non stop rain for FIVE DAYS PEOPLE. Do you all see where I am going with this? Ahead of us is 2 cop cars blocking off the road so we have to get out of the taxi and walk in the pissin down rain because we can't get through. WELL. we look down the mud swamp to see TWO cop crusiers stuck in the mud. When I say stuck, I mean stuck....The wheels were in there good and the body of the car was starting to sink. OH shit I busted a gut laughing. Not one idiot ass cop but 2 done the samething. Then I look again and behind the 2 cars are 4 cops, 8-10 firefighters digging them out with shovels. I wanted to come home and get the camera and hubs wouldn't let me. Oh I thought I was gonna hurl I was laughing so hard. It was funny!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer ~~~ I'm not saying all cops are stupid, dumbass idiots. Just the ones we have here!

~~~Chow baby!
posted by Sassy at 9:58 PM


That will teach you not to always carry your camera. LOL. Good stuff, thanks for the laugh.

8:42 AM  

Dumb blondes can provide hours of great entertainment. And so can cops. LOL

You need to carry your camera with you at all times. Sorry you missed that opportunity. Of course, in the US they probably would have arrested you for taking a picture of them stuck in the mud. We're a police state here.

10:11 AM  

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