Sassy's World

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Has anyone seen the gas can??

It appears my neighbourhood has a gas can theif. The cops have been to my house everyday for the last 3 days asking if I've seen missing gas cans...Me being the angelic little girl that I am just shakes my head and shuts my door.


I dont miss a chance to be a scarcastic asshole and I do it with pride! Oh Yes I Do. The cop asked me this afternoon if I've seen the missing gas can. in which I answer, and what does it look like? The cop just looked at me with blank stare and said, A gas can. Without missing a beat I said to the cop, what was it last seen wearing. He just looked at me, I guess you haven't seen it in which I shook my head wished him a wonderful afternoon and closed my door. Why oh why would someone wanna steal empty gas cans??? If I'm going down for stealing something its gonna be better then a fricken gas can. Sheesh!

Anywho the cold weather is upon us and yesterday it was snowing, raining, hailng and windy. In which I got yet another headache. I've had a headache now for the last week everyday and the last time this happened I had a migrane like headache for 22 days straight and come pretty damn clothes to stabbing myself in the temple with the first sharp thing I could find. Then I look at my demonic spawn and think twice about it. If I end up with a freakin 22 day headache again I'm gonna jump off a freakin cliff.

Well I'm off now to try and rid a headache, might even do the unthinkable and crawl in bed with boo for a nap who know

posted by Sassy at 3:32 PM


Do the police there have nothing better to do than spend their time trying to hunt down a damn gas can? Hell around here they wouldn't even bother to come out to a call like that.

10:01 PM  

A GAS CAN???? Oh someone must have's a BIG BIG BOAT or maybe a BARGE too be stealing gas cans.. rofl

Oh, Jay?? This is Canada an our police will come to calls for everything... It just sometimes takes them forever to do so.. But for a gas can ?? You know they will be there so fast yer head will spin

8:56 AM  

was he at least a CUTE policeman?
If so.. I'm moving to Canada....

Sassy.. that was hysterical....when it was last seen, what was it wearing? (giggle, snort)

10:14 AM  

Well I made my way over from Mom unscripted! Loved that post! Gave me belly laugh! LOL What was it last seen wearing? LMAO!!! I jsut left blogger and went to typepad! LMAO

2:22 PM  

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